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Kibble Carrier

5.050 kr.


The Kibble Carrier is constructed from tough ripstop material, so your dog can rest easy knowing her kibble is safe and all is right with the world. Engineered like a waterproof river bag, the top rolls and clips, ensuring security and freshness. A discreet zippered pocket at the bottom is perfect for a Collaps-A-Bowl (not included). The zippered side pocket is perfect for extra treats (your dog just whispered that to us).
Hold up to 2.26 kg. of dry food (approximately 20 cups of average sized kibble).
Simple buckle closure.
Opening on bottom can hold a Collaps-A-Bowl.
Zippered side pocket to hold extras.
Roll top design packs down to the amount of food you are carrying.
Machine wash gentle or hand wash. Air dry

Hafa Samband

Okkur er mikið í mun að bæta þjónustu okkar við viðskiptavini og því tökum við vel á móti öllum skilaboðum.

Skiptir ekki máli hvort þau eru jákvæð eða neikvæð.

Athugaðu að við munum aldrei láta þriðja aðila hafa netfangið þitt né munum við misnota það á nokkurn annan hátt.

    Karfan mín