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Baxter Backpack (14-38kgs)

14.620 kr.



Product Name
Baxter Pack, 
Product Description
The Baxter Pack lets your dog share the load when you’re off on an adventure. Lightweight, durable and fully adjustable with eight different adjustment points, it features ergonomic spine support and perfect balance for even weight distribution and ultimate comfort. It also features a large, handle on the back, because we all need a helping hand from time to time. Fill it with treats, toys, first aid supplies, and anything else she might need along the way and let her feel useful.
Two saddlebags offer liberal room for adventure essentials and balance the load.
Reflective trim for low light visibility.
Large padded handle on top for control or extraction.
Rear-mounted lead hook.
Ergonomic spine support contours to the dog’s back for a comfortable fit Secure strap..
Machine wash gentle or hand wash..
Air dry.

Frekari upplýsingar


Black/orange, blue, Chili/Barn Red

Hafa Samband

Okkur er mikið í mun að bæta þjónustu okkar við viðskiptavini og því tökum við vel á móti öllum skilaboðum.

Skiptir ekki máli hvort þau eru jákvæð eða neikvæð.

Athugaðu að við munum aldrei láta þriðja aðila hafa netfangið þitt né munum við misnota það á nokkurn annan hátt.

    Karfan mín